Free From Haircare Bondage Indeed
Greetings & Blessings Faithful Followers of Team MissionAccess Worldwide! As we ponder what lies ahead on this whacky road we’ve trodden together, let’s talk FREEDOM (one o’ my fav topics). But where does it come from? And what does it mean to be truly free?
(Hint: gotta go to the Bible for that):
JOHN 8: 36 ESV “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
Consulting a commentary from scholars far more learned than I is always advisable, so here from Pulpit Commentary on
“The incarnation of the Son of God as a veritable Son of man emancipates the soul fettered by the tyranny of nature and baffled by the mastery of time and sense, inasmuch as it discloses the august majesty of its own origin. Essential freedom accrues to him who knows that sin is pardoned, that death is vanquished, that the prince of this world is cast out.”
Bottom line: we are free.
OK, so we are free. Free from what? “Free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8: 2). What’s that? According to Romans 6: 23 ”The wages of sin is death.” But what does that mean? That’s referring to not just physical death but ETERNAL separation from God. That alone should cause us to tremble! However, in our current post-modern culture, the fear of God has largely been removed which we see play out daily in increasingly disturbing ways.
I confess to writing in a journal not so very long ago that “I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it!” Oh precious Peeps! That’s NOT freedom! In fact that’s the very definition of bondage. But the Good News is that while we are yet in the Land of the Living, there remains an opportunity for us to share the freedom offered lovingly to all who choose to believe in the One who sets us Free Indeed.
In His Accessible Grace,
PHOTO SOURCE: Thacker Fam Archive
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