To Compel? Or To Propel?

Today I ponder a relatively simple yet profound question regarding my evangelistic efforts to reach people and families affected by disability:: To Compel?  Or To Propel? Do I compel people into a relationship w Jesus Christ? Or do I propel? So what’s the difference?   Huge.  A simple word search in my trusty Roget’s Thesaurus reveals […]

Disability Evangelism To Adults With Disabilities: So How Is The Church Doing?

Greetings & Blessings Faithful Followers of Mission Access!  I only have two Life Questions:  1.  What are you doing?  2.  And why are you doing it?  So today I ask this question re:  Disability Evangelism to Adults with Disabilities.  How are we as the Church doing? One of my favorite verses in the Bible is […]

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