To Compel? Or To Propel?


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Today I ponder a relatively simple yet profound question regarding my evangelistic efforts to reach people and families affected by disability::

To Compel?  Or To Propel?

Do I compel people into a relationship w Jesus Christ? Or do I propel?

So what’s the difference?   Huge.  A simple word search in my trusty Roget’s Thesaurus reveals a very compelling (pun intended) case for why our efforts to evangelize—especially for people and families affected by disability—is not propelling people to propagate the pews of our local churches:

COMPEL , v. make, coerce, drive (FORCE);  necessitate, make necessary, force (NECESSITY).

Yoikes!  Sounds more like Health Care than the Love of God!  But is that where we are missing it when it comes to leading people to a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe?

Shouldn’t we endeavor to propel people into a relationship with Jesus Christ?

PROPEL, v. push, start, set in motion (PROPULSION).

Now we’re talking!  And when it comes to ministry I simply cannot think of a more priceless opportunity than to reach out to people and families affected by disability.

So let’s get some PROPULSION going, shall we?  Let’s tap into this vast yet largely unchurched group and let us ”propel, start, set in motion, get going , fire off, discharge, launch and send forth” this vital ministry in every church in order to  “urge, goad and impel”  a relationship with Christ to help propel eternal destinies worldwide beginning with your local church.

In His Accessible Grace,


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