Play Ball!


Pastor David Whitmore with Bob Sorge in September 2009

Greetings & Blessings Faithful Followers of Team MissionAccess Worldwide! This season, let’s try something a little different, shall we?  In fact, I was totally convinced that the Lord had given me a completely different message to share when this one fell right into my lap! The significance of that you shall see shortly.

This is a word of wisdom from Bob Sorge, a dear longtime friend of Bartimaeus Baptist Temple.  No stranger to disability, Bob is a prolific author of disability ministry classics such as Pain, Perplexity and Promotion:  A Prophetic Interpretation of the Book of Job, The Fire Of Delayed Answers, and Secrets of the Secret Place: Keys to Igniting Your Prayer Time with God. He masterfully crafts an especially encouraging message to people like you and me affected by disability who really struggle with questions like:  “Lord is this really Your will for my life?” and “Are You still listening to me?”

May you be uplifted by this word in due season indeed:

I Am With You // Bob Sorge – YouTube

 In His Accessible Grace,



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