Think For A Change


Greetings & Blessings Faithful Followers of Team Mission Access!  With less than two weeks left before we elect our next President I urge you—nay I beseech you–to Think For A Change.

Recently I read a fascinating book entitled “The Art of Thinking Clearly” by Rolf Dobelli which digs deeper into some of the cognitive cliffs we leap from so willingly to our peril and why.  But there is a way cooler Bestseller that offers a preemptive plethora of wisdom about how best to employ those glorious minds that we’ve been entrusted with to Think.

 I’m sure you’ve heard about it:  we know it as simply The Bible.

 Of the Top 7 Bible Verses About The Mind due to limited time, space and attention spans I choose to focus on this gem from Luke:

 Luke 10:27 “And he answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.’”

 The other verses reinforce quite clearly that our minds are always on His mind, as ours should be on His.  In fact as Christians Our Minds and His Mind should be one and the same.

 So before you head to the polls to vote, check out what each candidate represents.  Read both the Republican Platform as well as the Democratic Platform.


 My deepest desire and most hopeful prayer is simply that you Think–& VOTE–For A Change:  for You and Your Family, our Nation and Our Future.

In His Accessible Grace,



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