Tough Love

(1).  :  Blog: The Drunk Peasant | Christian History Institute

The Lord Loves The Upright

Greetings & Blessings Faithful Followers of Team MissionAccess Worldwide!  Methinks that our Awesome Lord hath given me a very timely message indeed! But I do believe it is not just for me alone, but for ALL of us in what appears to be a pivotal time in not just our church, but also in our nation, and our world.

Our Scripture Focus Verse is found in the OT Book of Micah 6:8 (NIV)

 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

Ah! I believe that in this one simple yet profound verse Our Awesome Lord is giving us His template for how best to properly rise up to the challenges we all face.

Theologian Martin Luther likened the struggle between justice and mercy to a drunken peasant who fails to straddle his horse if he leans too heavily on either the stirrup of justice or of mercy (1). Growing up I learned this delicate balance courtesy of my pugnacious pony Pepper who defied every effort to correct or control her (hmm I resemble that remark).

So how shall we remain upright? 

The key is BALANCE.

Oh Precious Peeps! May the fullness of both justice and mercy prevail in all our efforts as we walk humbly for His Glory indeed.

In His Accessible Grace,



(1)  Blog: The Drunk Peasant | Christian History Institute

PHOTO SOURCE: Shea Fam Archive


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