Mission Access–A Blog About Life

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGreetings & Blessings & Welcome to Mission Access—a Blog about Life.  So what does that mean?  Glad you asked!  Because it’s taken me a lifetime to figure it out.

What now seems so long ago and so far away, I recall sitting outside in the backyard of my finely-appointed home in a trendy neighborhood near downtown Dallas known as the “M” streets (aptly named for all the streets that start with the letter “M”—like Mercedes, Morningside, Monticello).  Sun pierced through the ever-shifting leaves slowly fanning me like Cleopatra.  As the successful entrepreneurial queen that I was, shouldn’t I be basking in my success like Cleo and getting on with living happily ever after already?

Not so much.  Because my finely-crafted beautiful little designer life was falling apart.

Despite all of my top-notch Business Strategy training, as freshly-minted Executive MBA grad from SMU Class of 1995 I simply had not anticipated (much less prepared for) what loomed large ahead.  My high-powered VP job of the largest multinational company in its industry?  Gone.  My perfect physical condition ensconced in the latest trendsetting hair/makeup/wardrobe?  Seemingly stripped away by the unthinkable diagnosis of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) on 12-1-95.

So there in the garden I not-so-patiently waited when I heard a still-small voice whisper:  Write About Life!

Say what?!? Write About Life? ?! Whatever could that mean?  And I have pondered and pondered and pondered that command ever since when at long last it finally dawned on me.  Just as pure and soft and loving and bright as the ever-present Son now piercing my heart:

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Write about Me.

And so I shall, Lord.  Through the crucible of your all-powerful Love made perfect through my weakness and disability, and so I shall in order to bring people and families affected by disability into a loving Relationship with You worldwide.

In His Accessible Grace,


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